Today James and I had a fun day out. We met Abby at Towncenter and did a little shopping in the morning. For lunch we went to Yia Yia's with Gran, Debbie, Lindsay, Darleen, mom and Abby. It wasn't so long ago that James would sleep through lunches out or just be happy in his carrier. Ahh, how I miss those days already! James doesn't like to be confined anymore. He wants to get down and crawl around everywhere we go. Today, while in the highchair, it was a constant game of throwing his sippy, food and toys on the floor while I picked them up over and over. Regardless, it was good to get out and the food was great. Better than most lunches I have at home. One thing that I have noticed is that James doesn't seem that comfortable in the restaurant highchairs and tends to lean back and have a hard time sitting upright. Does anyone have any solutions or suggestions? I was wondering if the clip on seats would be worth a try. The lunch date really wore James out and he slept the whole way home.

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