Saturday we enjoyed celebrating Morgan's 3rd birthday with the Hilbrich clan. We still joke how our babies were supposed to be March and May babies, but both came in April! Morgan is James' best friend. They play like brother and sister and really enjoy each others company. James is always asking when he can play with Morgan. I told him earlier in the week that we were going to Morgan's party on Saturday. He asked everyday if "today" was the "day" for Morgan's party. He was so excited! She had a Hello Kitty themed party with a beautiful bouquet of balloons and a pretty Hello Kitty cake!
Singing to the birthday girl! The kids table Blake loves being under tables. It's his new thing. Show him a table and he will find is way under it! He spent a lot of the party under the table! Morgan got some great gifts! James had a hard time just watching, but we didn't have any meltdowns(just wait, there is one coming) Morgan had a bounce house at her party and the kids LOVED it! What a great idea!
bouncy, bouncy, bouncy
The kids also enjoyed riding bikes and scooters. It was a very active party and James was exhausted from all the activity
This is a video of James leaving the party. He did NOT want to leave or want his picture taken. Thankfully these meltdowns are becoming less and less around our house.
Happy Birthday Morgan!!! Today is YOUR special day!!! We love you!
We had a great family weekend. It seems like we have had a lot going on lately and been busy, busy, busy. It was nice to have a low key weekend at home. We were brave and went out to eat Friday night for Chinese at Master Wok and for breakfast Saturday morning at the Sawmill. It is always an adventure eating out with our boys, but they actually did pretty well. It didn't hurt that on Saturday morning we were the only ones in the restaurant! On a funny side note James had the most hilarious fortunes from his cookies. Friday night his read, "you will soon be rewarded on your good listening." Ha! If only that was true! Saturday night we had a few extra cookies that we brought home and his read, "A 4-wheeled adventure will soon bring you happiness." He has been begging to get his 4-wheeler out of the garage to ride in the backyard. Todd and I couldn't stop laughing. Saturday morning we passed by the Longview kite festival. Brrr, it was cold outside. I think it was in the low 40s and windy. Originally we had planned to do breakfast with the Easter bunny and an egg hunt, but the breakfast was sold out so we changed plans. I'm actually glad we weren't at Powell Gardens. It would have been so cold. Seriously, coats/hats/mittens!!! Saturday evening we went out to Home Depot and for Ice Cream. James tried to convince Todd that he needed to upgrade his push mower to a rider.. James loved his Ice Cream with sprinkles!!! He thought it was so fun to get to eat it in the car! Just as one boy is starting to be a little bit neater take a look at THIS! Blake is so messy when he eats, but you gotta love that sweet face! Blake is also standing and cruising more and more. We also caught him standing without holding anything this afternoon. Just a sign of what's to come next!
This morning was James' first Palm Sunday to "wave the Palms" during service. Yes, we recorded it of course!
Tonight we celebrated David's 38th birthday. It was a great evening to sit outside on the patio and grill!
We went to a pizza party on Sunday at Tim's in Independence. We go to pay for our pizza and they only take cash. We rarely ever have cash on us so Todd and James ran across the street to an ATM. Todd had his backed turned for a few seconds and looked down to see that James had collected all sorts of snacks. Our boy LOVES food!
Blake has had a rough last 10 days. Last Wednesday he didn't seem like himself in the morning. I took him to daycare because he didn't have a fever, but told his teacher to keep an eye on him. By 11:30 he had a fever of 99.5 and looked pitiful. He spent the afternoon with Gia(my mom). He continued to have a fever until Friday morning. Friday we decided I would take James to school and Todd would stay with Blake. Throughout Friday Blake developed this strange rash on the back of his neck. By Saturday he had bumps all over his body and the back of his neck was even more inflamed. After Todd and I got back from our race we took him to Urgent care. The rash was diagnosed as a viral rash/hives and should go away quickly. We gave him a small dose of Benadryl and he was fine on Sunday and Monday. Tuesday morning he developed another fever and by 2:30 he was 104 and VERY cranky. I just happened to be taking James for his 3 year well check and asked if they could take a look at Blake. He had a double ear infection. He stayed home on Wednesday and Thursday and continued to have a fever until late last night. Thankfully, he woke up today very happy and went to daycare. He still has a runny nose, but we are so glad he is almost back to normal. Blake got lots of cuddle time with Grandma last weekend. Look at this sad face!
We met James' friend Harper for dinner at Culver's Monday night. Harper and James were both born April 4, 2008. Harper's mom, Eshelle, was one of James' preschool teachers last year so we have gotten to know Harper over the last year. We thought it would be fun to start a tradition of taking them out for a special dinner to celebrate their birthdays. James LOVED Culvers. He picked a hot dog for his dinner... and vanilla ice cream with sprinkles for dessert! Two sweet 3 year olds!!
Todd's family arrived Friday night for James' birthday weekend. We were too busy having fun to take many pictures. We had a big pasta dinner to prepare for our race Saturday morning. Todd and Justin ran a half-marathon, I ran a 10k and Ashley ran a 5k. It was a lot of fun and we are planning on doing another race when they come down over Memorial weekend. James and Blake enjoyed having a full house! Here are some pictures of James opening gifts. He loves his new workbench from us and his new backpack from Grandma and Grandpa.
We celebrated James' 3rd Birthday at Chuck E Cheese. He really enjoyed Jack's party in August so we thought it would be fun for him to go back. He was a little overwhelmed at the party, but overall, I think he enjoyed himself. James and Blake were so happy to have Grandma and Grandpa down for the weekend! James and Daddy did the ticket blaster together. It was "really windy in there" according to James! Morgan was a big help with the presents! James loved his birthday crown! Andy and Morgan came without Jami and baby Mackenzie. We missed them! The daddy's enjoyed playing the games as much as the kids! Ashley and Blake. I love how she loves our boys so much! Trying to get a family picture is next to impossible. You should see the other 10! This was the best. Maybe when James is 4 he will sit still for a picture. James and Chuck E Cheese! Some of the party people! No party is complete without cupcakes. I was less than impressed with the Chuck E Cheese cake last time so I made my own cupcakes. I got the recipe from my friend Maleah's blog. They are so good!