Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blake's birth story

Blake needed a little coaxing to enter his new world. Blake's due date was May 24th, but I had calculated that it was actually closer to May 28th. Well, May 24th and May 28th came and went without our baby. The weekend went by slow for us since we were anxious to go into labor. We spent our mornings at home and went to my parents to hang by the pool in the afternoons. It was a great time to spend with family and James before our new arrival. The previous two weeks I had been having lots of mild contractions and I guess what you would call false labor. Things would happen for 1-3 hours in the evening but then by 11-12pm everything would stop. On May 24th I had my last prenatal check up and on Wednesday the 26th I had a bio-physical ultrasound to make sure everything still looked good. Everything checked out fine with both appointments. On Monday the 24th I was already 2 cm. My dr and I talked about induction which I was against, but decided that we would set an induction date of Tuesday June 1st. She was very comfortable letting me go 8 days late since my first baby had been 8 days late. I never dreamed I would actually make it 8 days without going into labor. As Tuesday approached Todd and I discussed if this was still something that we wanted to proceed with. We ultimately decided that we should go ahead with the induction. We had to be to the hospital at 6am. We arrived early and were settled in with my IV around 7am. I was checked and was at a 3 by this point. They started the induction with Pitocin at around 7:30. I didn't really start feeling anything strong until 8:30. From 8:30-10am the contractions started getting stronger, but very manageable. I rated my pain at a 3 on a scale of 1-10. I was checked again right before 10 and was at a 5. I received an epidural at this point and was checked again around 10:15 and was at a 6. I rested for the next hour and was checked again around 11:15 and was at a 9. At this point my nurse told us they had tried contacting my Dr the previous 1-2 hours to let her know I was going fast and would be delivering very soon. Finally, Dr Doan called the hospital staff back around 11:20 and said she was on her way. She arrived at 11:45 and after 2 pushes Blake Michael arrived at 11:50am. It went as well as I could have imagined. James' labor last 30 hours and Blake was less than 5. Everyone said that the 2nd baby usually arrives faster/easier and this was definitely the case with me! We feel so blessed that our labor/delivery went well and more importantly that we have a healthy baby!


Maleah said...

I love reading birth stories so thank you for posting. I am glad that you had a good experience this time around! I cannot believe that you pushed out a 9lb baby in only 2 pushes. That is awesome. It took 2hrs of pushing for Hannah (7 lbs, 14oz) and 45 minutes with Ella (6 lbs, 14oz). And my labor actually lated longer with Ella than Hannah.

Triskit said...

Congrats Jennifer!! I can't believe I was wrong. I was so sure it was a girl this time. None the less I can't wait to see pictures of baby Blake!! Enjoy your time with the family as you all get to know the new arrival.