Wednesday, May 6, 2009

night talker

Todd and I are both sound sleepers and sometimes when James wakes up at night we wake up wondering how long James has been trying to get our attention. Hopefully not too long. Last night Todd suggested shutting our door and James' door since he had to wake up early for a golf meet. He thought the alarm would possibly wake up James at 5am which would not be good. Lately, James has been sleeping from 7-7:30pm to 6-7am. We were concerned that if James needed us in the night we wouldn't be able to hear him with the doors shut so I left the monitor on in our room. Fast forward a few hours and we wake up at 1:30 to James jabbering away. He babbled about lots of important stuff for 10-15 minutes and THANKFULLY went back to sleep without parent intervention. Yeah! Typically, as soon as James wakes up in his crib he starts crying for us, but just in the past week he has woke up once in the morning and once from a nap being content just playing in his crib. I'm hoping for more of those happy wake up times! Todd and I are left wondering how often he wakes up on the middle of the night to play and we just never hear him from across the hall???

1 comment:

Jenny said...

how cool that ge can entertain himself! what a little man~