Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Henry - 10 months

It has been a busy summer so I decided to skip right past your 9 month post to 10 months!  You have really changed a lot in the last 2 months.  You are crawling now and into everything!
Around 9 months you started babbling and saying baba, gaga and lots of other sounds.
You also enjoy clapping and singing songs together.
You are constantly on the go and frequently into trouble.  We've had to relock all of our kitchen cabinets, reinstall the baby gate, and keep a constant eye on you.  You've gotten fast.  I've found you a couple times playing in the toilet and I had only taken my eyes off you for a few seconds.
You are no where close to walking as you just started standing.  You can pull yourself up on chairs and toys if you use all your strength, but you are still a little wobbly.
You love the water and bath time.  The speedo floatation seat has been perfect for you this summer.  You love kicking and splashing.
You have just started waving bye bye and are very social.  You are still a great eater and will eat just about anything we give you.  You nurse 4-5 times a day and don't like to drink out of a sippy cup.  You usually take 2 naps a day.  Bedtime is 7-7:30 and you wake to eat around 5-6am, but thankfully you go back to sleep until 8am.

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