Playing with some old school toys at G-Ma Holly's on Tuesdays!

Spending time with Papaw Greg
We are enjoying James more and more. He is getting to be such a little person with his own likes/dislikes. Todd returned yesterday from a 4 day trip to Vegas and James got so excited to see his daddy. He is sitting up on his own very well now and only occasionally tips over. It is so nice for me too because he is becoming more independent as far as playing and since I know he isn't going to fall over I don't have to be right at his side every second. He is starting to rock a little bit so I'm sure the next step will be crawling. James is also enjoying all of his new food and it is so fun to watch the funny faces he makes when he tries a new taste/texture. So far he has had broccoli, apple, banana, avocado, plum, sweet potato, russet potato, carrot and pears. I think his favorites are banana and pear!
James waking up so HAPPY!
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