Where has the time gone? Seriously! Blake, you are 6 months old today. You have been with our family for half of a year now! You are at such a fun age right now and we are enjoying every moment with you. We LOVE you so much! Here are some things that you are up to at 6 months:
-You smile and laugh out loud a lot. Especially, when James shows off in front of you. You laugh at everything he does.
-You are starting to talk more. Some days you won't say a thing and other days you babble constantly. I hear a lot of da da da, but no ma ma ma yet.
-You love to sit in your bumbo seat and exersaucer when we are on the main floor and still sit in your bouncer seat in our bathroom upstairs. We also moved the "giddy up" jumper into your room and you love to jump around while I'm getting things done in your room.
-You can roll from front to back and back to front like it is no big deal now. You also do baby yoga. Cobra is your favorite position! :) You alternate between Cobra and being an airplane with your arms out to the side. You are so entertaining to watch!
-I think you weigh about 16 1/2 lbs, but we will find out your official stats next week. You are still long and thin.
-You wear cloth diapers at home and size 3 diapers when we are out. You wear 6-12 month clothes. It has been fun to pull out all of James' clothes that he wore his first winter, but you also have quite a few new things too.
-You have become a bad napper, but you are mostly happy so that doesn't bother me. I remember James went through the exact same thing at this age. You are usually taking 3 short naps throughout the day that range from 25-45 minutes. ***update*** Since starting this post you took an hour and a half nap this morning!
-You are a great night sleeper lately. You go to sleep around 6:30-7pm each night and you have been sleeping until 5-7am in the morning.
-Your 2 bottom teeth are in.
-You love to listen to your daddy play the guitar and he often puts you to sleep with his music.
-You still drool and spit up a lot! You go through many, many bibs each day!
-We got out your highchair a couple of days ago and let you try your first food. You really enjoyed your broccoli so I guess we have officially started solids. We will be doing the same baby led weaning method(basically self feeding and skipping purees) as we did with James. Let the mess begin!