Henry went to the Dr and got an excellent report. He is also a BIG boy! He is bigger than both James and Blake at 2 months and I thought they were big!
Height 24" (86%)
Weight 14 lbs 3 oz (94%)
Head 15.2" (22%)
Sleeping- You are starting to take longer naps during the day. Sometimes in the afternoon you will sleep up to 3 hours straight. Unfortunately, many afternoons I have to wake you from a nap to pick up the boys from school. You are learning to be very flexible. You go down for bed around 7:30-8 and get up once in the night before waking up for the day around 7 am.
Eating- You are nursing every 2-3 hours during the day. You will take a bottle very easily too.
Personality-You have become a much happier baby the last few weeks. I feel like you went from crying a lot to hardly at all. You still let me know when you want a diaper change or are tired. You are content being in your swing, bouncy seat, or floor. You are giving us a lot of smiles and coo's. You have two adorable dimples along with a double chin. I could just kiss your chubby cheeks all day. We love you so much Henry!
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14 minutes ago