Tennis matches. James loves to "help" out on the courts. Gillian has been working with him on his strokes. She is so good and patient with him.

This is James' ice cream treat from A & W after he took care of business on the potty for the 1st time!!!!! We were so excited and went to celebrate immediately. We have been talking a lot the last month about how there will be no more diapers in Michigan. We decided to tackle potty training here and it has gone very well. James has only had a few true accidents. We brought a portable potty for when we are playing outside and at the beach although he does like to water the grass sometimes!

Lots of running and playing on the


Lots of rocks and buckets
Spending a lot of time in beach chairs. Unfortunately, Blake also would not stop eating rocks and sand on the beach.
Obsessed with climbing on chairs

We have take a few family bike rides. The boys have done well in the trailer but are only good for about 30-40 minutes.

Todd precious cargo!

We took the crew bowling one evening and it was a blast! James was great entertainment!

Poor boy with the wide feet. Can't even get bowling shoes that fit!
We went strawberry picking at a farm in Deckerville(about 30 minutes north). We went once with James, Gillian, and Jack and then I went back a couple days later with aunt Lynda.
Lots of yummy berries! We had strawberry shortcake almost every night the first week!