I am so blessed to be a mom to my two sweet boys. It is hard to believe last Mother's day I was 9 months pregnant and just mom to one. Blake has made my transition from one to two kids so easy and I'm truly thankful that he has been such great baby. Life with two boys has been busy, fun, exhausting and rewarding. I'm loving every minute of it!
The boys came home from school on Friday with some really cute gifts.

A framed picture of Blake

A flower and picture from James.

James also came home with a note called, "I love my mommy because"...
My mommy's favorite food is donuts
My mommy's favorite color is orange
My mommy's favorite TV show is Dora
My mommy's favorite game to play is Guitar
My mommy's favorite thing to do at home is touch the big spiders
My mommy's favorite restaurant is Pizza
My mommy is 4 years old!
I really got a good laugh from this!