We had a great family weekend. It seems like we have had a lot going on lately and been busy, busy, busy. It was nice to have a low key weekend at home. We were brave and went out to eat Friday night for Chinese at Master Wok and for breakfast Saturday morning at the Sawmill. It is always an adventure eating out with our boys, but they actually did pretty well. It didn't hurt that on Saturday morning we were the only ones in the restaurant! On a funny side note James had the most hilarious fortunes from his cookies. Friday night his read, "you will soon be rewarded on your good listening." Ha! If only that was true! Saturday night we had a few extra cookies that we brought home and his read, "A 4-wheeled adventure will soon bring you happiness." He has been begging to get his 4-wheeler out of the garage to ride in the backyard. Todd and I couldn't stop laughing. Saturday morning we passed by the Longview kite festival. Brrr, it was cold outside. I think it was in the low 40s and windy.

Originally we had planned to do breakfast with the Easter bunny and an egg hunt, but the breakfast was sold out so we changed plans. I'm actually glad we weren't at Powell Gardens. It would have been so cold. Seriously, coats/hats/mittens!!!
Saturday evening we went out to Home Depot and for Ice Cream. James tried to convince Todd that he needed to upgrade his push mower to a rider..

James loved his Ice Cream with sprinkles!!!

He thought it was so fun to get to eat it in the car!

Just as one boy is starting to be a little bit neater take a look at THIS!

Blake is so messy when he eats, but you gotta love that sweet face!

Blake is also standing and cruising more and more. We also caught him standing without holding anything this afternoon. Just a sign of what's to come next!
This morning was James' first Palm Sunday to "wave the Palms" during service. Yes, we recorded it of course!
Tonight we celebrated David's 38th birthday. It was a great evening to sit outside on the patio and grill!