Blake, You are getting closer and closer to 1! This year has flown by. We have been blessed with a very healthy, happy, easy going little boy! Here are your 9 month stats:
Weight 18 lbs 9 oz - 16th percentile
Height 29 1/4 inches - 79th percentile
Head 45.1 cm - 41st percentile
-You are crawling EVERYWHERE and getting into EVERYTHING. You are also getting really fast. I think I've got my eye on you and the next thing I know you are across the room.
-You love your brother and most of the time you both play very well together. James can be a little rough with you sometimes so I can already tell you are going to be a very tough little boy.
-You got officially sick for the first time last weekend. You threw up at school and then again at home with Daddy. Mommy felt bad because she was gone for the weekend and wasn't able to comfort you. Thankfully it was a 24 hour flu bug and you felt fine the next day.
-You are still a good sleeper. You typically take a morning and afternoon nap. You go to bed around 6-7pm and sleep until 6-7am.
-You love to cuddle.
-You are nursing 4-5 times a day and eating real food at each meal. You especially love bananas, but will eat anything we put in front of you!
-You are trying really hard to pull up and stand. You can stand by yourself if I pull you up and you really like to be standing.
-You just discovered the playroom and you are constantly crawling that direction. You are learning to navigate the step down face first!
-You have 8 teeth. I was looking back and James only had 3 teeth at 9 months. The Dr said that your 1 year molars are next and could start coming in soon.