After a late night of traveling we made it to Salt Lake City, UT. We were supposed to leave KC about 5:40, but were about an hour delayed on the tarmac waiting to be de-iced. James did great on the plane and we brought our
Sit n Stroll for him to sit in. We got it second hand before traveling to FL last Christmas. We love it and it makes traveling much easier for us. It is used as a carseat on the plane and in the car. It also acts as a stroller too. This may be James' last trip using it because it is getting tight. It goes up to 40 lbs and he is 38 lbs. Blake on the other hand had a rough flight. Usually he is a very happy baby and rarely cries. I'm not sure if his ears were bothering him or if he was over tired. I nursed him 3 times the first hour and finally he just refused and screamed, screamed and screamed some more! He finally fell asleep for about 45 minutes and then screamed some more. Todd had the magic touch and Blake finally stopped crying. He was happy the rest of the flight and chewed on a plastic cup. I guess he just wanted to be with his Daddy and big brother! We slept in Friday morning and then got fitted for our boots/skies. They brought everything to our condo which was really convenient. Here are some pics of James getting ready to ski.

James did great skiing and Todd just took him right outside our condo so he wouldn't have to take the chair lift. He enjoyed it for about 30 minutes and then was done. Todd went back out skiing while James, Blake and I had a relaxing morning at the condo. James took at bath...

Drank Hot Chocolate(and then quickly dumped it out all over the floor)....

Played Play doh

Blake took a good morning nap and woke up happy..

After lunch I headed out to ski while Abby and my mom watched the boys. Blake is only getting faster crawling and is getting into EVERYTHING! This is a video that Abby took while I was out. I think they both wore them out!
I skied about 2 hours. The skiing here is a little more challenging than I had hoped. They were mostly blues and very hard for me since I haven't skied in 4 years. I'm sure I looked ridiculous with my giant slow plow going down the mountain. I was also very intimidated because all the advanced skiers were just flying by me. I'm just glad I survived and made it down in one piece! I think Saturday I'm going to find the ski school area!! :( Sorry no photos to document my skiing adventures!
We went to downtown Park City to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. It was delicious and margaritas were definitely a MUST after my rough afternoon!

"Hummmmm, what should I order?"

The life of the party!

Yummy puffs!

Most of the group!