We had a wonderful Christmas in SD and MN with Todd's family. You can view my favorite Christmas pictures in the book I made a few posts ago. The things I will remember most about Christmas 2010 with my family:
-Blake, You were such a happy baby and traveller. You are getting so social and love being around people/activity. I'll also remember how you got me up at 2, 4 and 6am Christmas morning. Thankfully by the end of the trip you were sleeping through the night again. I think you prefer your crib verses your pack-n-play.
-James, You LOVED your third Christmas. You are really starting to understand everything this year and I know by next year you will really be able to look forward to Christmas and Santa. Your favorite part of Christmas this year was delivering/giving presents to everyone. On Christmas Eve at Grandma Rose and Grandpa Warren's house you handed out presents over and over again. This went on for atleast 30-45 minutes. You did this again on Christmas morning and we had to remind you that you had presents to open. I love that you have a giving spirit and you are learning that Christmas is more about giving than receiving. I want to continue to teach you this as you get older. You also got to play a lot with Shawn and Tatiana. They are so patient with you. You enjoyed playing the piano, making a gingerbread house and playing in the snow with them.
-I will remember what a big help everyone was with James and Blake. James is the kind of toddler that you can keep up until 9-10pm and he still wakes up before 7 am. Ashley and Tatiana were a huge help and let Todd and I get an extra hour of sleep each morning. They got James' breakfast, changed diapers and played with him. We were very spoiled!
-Poor Grandpa Steve woke up with the flu Christmas morning and didn't feel like himself, but still put on a good face to open presents with us all.
-Grandma Robin and Ashley made lots of yummy food for us all to enjoy. Her caramel rolls are legendary! She also made a pork tenderloin that was the best I've ever had!
-Grandma Robin giving Blake a bath in the sink.
-Playing the Wii with Ashley, Todd, Justin, Shawn and Tatiana and burning off all of those Christmas cookies we ate. That was so much fun that we decided to get a Wii for our house!