Today I'm extremely thankful for these two sweet little boys. They have blessed our lives more than we ever knew possible. I got to start my day early(as usual) and have breakfast with the 2 little turkeys. When we are in KC we ALWAYS do the Turkey Trot 5K, but it was 20 degrees out with a windchill around 9. I just couldn't take out the boys in that kind of weather so Todd went and represented the family. Surprisingly, he said there were lots of people out with babies and strollers. Were they crazy?

While Daddy was gone James and I made Play dough together for the first time. It was fun and easy! It was actually pumpkin play dough because we colored orange and added pumpkin pie spice to make it smell good. I got the idea from
another blog, but I used a different recipe that was no cook. I don't know why some recipes have you cook it and others don't, but I'm not going to dirty a dish and spend time over the stove if I don't have too. Our recipe was:
1 cup water
3 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
1/4 cup oil
pumpkin pie spice and food coloring
I added the food coloring to the water before adding it with the dry ingredients.
Making play dough is hard work! Look at this face!

Look at the final product! James was sure proud of himself!

After naps we headed over to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner. Everything was delicious and it was great to spend time with family.

James spent most of the time there in just a diaper because of a little(BIG) incident in the playroom. Jack came rushing downstairs to tell us that he thought James had gone poop and that it was all over the floor. WHAT? But, yes, that is actually what happened. Usually I have extra clothes I keep in the car, but of course I took them out and forgot to put them back. Oh well!

Seth and Jack playing chess.

Blake with his great Papaw and great Gran. He was such a happy guy all day!