Blake is 1 week old today! Our time at home has gone by really fast. So far Blake is a very easy baby. With James I remember pacing the floors in the middle of the night our first week and several sleepless nights on the couch. Our first two nights home went ok. Blake was a little confused on his days/nights and also wanted to nurse every 90 minutes. The last 3 nights have gone very well. He has slept two 3-4 hour stretches. He wakes just to eat and then goes right back to bed. I couldn't ask for anything better for the first week! Todd's sister Ashley came down Thursday night and stayed until Monday afternoon. She made our transition so easy. She was able to give James lots of attention and also help out with Blake when we needed her too. I could really get used to having a full time nanny! Here are some pics and highlights of our first week home!

James and Ashley playing with bubbles

Ashley and baby Blake

Ashley and James at our neighborhood pool

More pool fun!

Blake at his first Dr check up. He got a great report and we go back for his 2 week check next Friday. Blake is expected to gain back his birthweight(9 lbs 8 oz) by 2 weeks of age, but he was 9 lbs 6 oz at only 6 days old! I knew he was eating a lot, but felt relieved to know he was gaining weight too.

Blake with the Dr.

Cashed out on Mama's shoulder. I love this face!

Blake with Dada after his first bath

All wrapped up after bath time!