James is 14 months old today and is doing new things all the time.
He says a few words that we can understand: DaDa, ugh oh, duck, socks. He also repeats bathtime and thank you, but only Todd and I know that is what he is saying. He jabbers and points constantly and is trying so hard to communicate. I know he is probably saying a lot more, but we can't understand him yet. He still does not say Mama, but I know it will come eventually..
He signs: more, all done, bye bye, drink and milk. We are working on thank you, please, and potty.
He is getting more and more independent and doesn't like to be carried as much. He loves the tv(he tries to turn it off and on constantly along with banging things against it. Glad we didn't go with an expensive flatscreen), his own remote, his cell phone, his shape sorter, playing on the couch, and throwing things aggressively... He is definitely all boy!

James is drinking milk during the day, but still nursing morning and night. I don't think he is ready to give it up yet. James will eat anything we give him(you can tell by the big tummy), but he loves bread and fruit. So I usually try to give him a veggie first before I offer him the rest of the meal. He loves to throw his food and cup on the floor, but is getting a little better with this. However, this evening all of his dinner ended up on the floor. I seriously should invest in knee pads because I spend so much time down on the floor cleaning it.
His schedule right now is:
wake up between 5:30-6:30
breakfast 7 am
play time 7:30-9am
snack time 9 am
morning nap 9-9:30- 11am
11-11:30am lunchtime
11:30am-2pm playtime
2-3pm naptme
3-5pm playtime
7pm bath and bedtime.
He used to LOVE bathtime, but the last two weeks he has screamed the entire time. This video is actually the first time in two weeks that he let us put him in the water without crying. He stayed with my parents a couple weeks ago and they bathed him in their big jacuzzi tub. He didn't like that one bit and has been scared of our tub every since. I hope this is a phase.