My Grandma Helen had a very bad fall in her AZ home on Wednesday afternoon. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to move to call for help and wasn't discovered until Thursday morning by a neighbor. She was rushed to the hospital where they determined she had a broken hip. She had surgery Thursday and has been in recovery ever since. She is still in a lot of pain and has a long road of rehab ahead of her. My mom flew out to be with her and sent me a picture of her walking around this afternoon which made me smile! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers! We hope she gets better soon!
Friday afternoon I headed to St Charles, MO for a girls weekend with my friend
Ashlee. This is the first time that either of us had been away from our kids and husbands at the same time and overnight. We had an AWESOME time, had beautiful weather, and enjoyed some really yummy food! We really enjoyed the quaint downtown of St Charles located on the MO river. The town had a very historical feel to it with cobblestone streets. We ate every meal at a different outdoor patio restaurant and each got massages Sat afternoon. So much fun!

Today I got my top braces put on. So my mouth is not very comfortable right now! James is very interested in these foreign objects. I'm already counting the days until I get them off. Hopefully, by next Feb.
James is walking more and more! Here are some videos from tonight.