If James could talk in this picture he would say, "stop trying to look in my mouth all the time." He doesn't understand that is mom and dad are anxiously awaiting each tooth and trying to check the progress of these slow movers daily. James 3rd tooth (top front) popped through last weekend! Whew! Another one down, twenty-some to go... We had assumed that the other front tooth would be shortly behind this one, but today I just noticed that one of his top side teeth is starting to show a tooth bud, so James may look like a pirate for a while. James has also started biting me a lot lately. He never bites when he is nursing(thank goodness), but he likes to bite my leg, calves and feet. At first my reaction was a loud "Ouch" and then I sternly started saying "NO". This worked back in October when he first bit me nursing and it only happened a handful of times before he figured it out. Well, James now thinks this is hilarious and as the days went on he would laugh more and more. I also tried giving him a little nibble back. That was even funnier to him. I'm glad I can provide such great entertainment for him!! So my latest strategy, thanks to my favorite Baby 411 book, is to calming take him off me and say "no biting". Then I am to walk away and ignore him for 1 minute. I guess it is like a mini timeout of sorts. The book says this could take 20-30 times before he figures it out. I hope this phase is a short lived one.